Skootch in close, everybuddy!! Times for a 'nother sooperfun picturemovie!! This times it is of when me plus Mirabelle did zoomers to our 'roundthebackyard to find it was full-up with wintertimes fluffystuff!! IKNOW!! 😜😜😜
Archie and his Fire Safety Partner, Firefighter Jason Poole!
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Skootch in close, everybuddy!! Times for a 'nother sooperfun picturemovie!! This times it is of when me plus Mirabelle did zoomers to our 'roundthebackyard to find it was full-up with wintertimes fluffystuff!! IKNOW!! 😜😜😜
Guys!! Guys!! Me plus Mirabelle just took SkyrollerBloo to get all sparklyclean inna raincloset that is just for rollycars!! Yup!! It was sooperweird, butt sorta fun too!! Wanna see!!?? 😜😝😀............
Skootch in close everybuddy, 'cuz you are gonna see twenny Frenchiefriends all dressed up in costumeclothes exploradventuring onna wildertrail!! Yup!! It is full-up with bellychuckles plus awesometimes!! 🎃💜🎃💜🎃💜
Okeedoke, everybuddy!! Times for skootching in sooperclose for watching a shinynew picturemovie of a whole pile (8) of Frenchies having HappyFunTimes exploradventuring on a wildertrail!! 😊💜
Okeedoke, everybuddy!! Now is the times for..... ZOOMERS GOOFBALLERY WITH MY MIRABELLE!! Yes!! Me plus Mirabelle had big piles of HappyFunTimes at St. Julien Park, plus we want to share it with you guys!! Sorry 'bout the noisiness, butt there was lots'nlots of blusterpuffs that daytimes!! You will see!!
Here it is, everybuddy!! A sooperfun picturemovie of my Mirabelle when she was just a teensy juniorperson!! Get ready for getting punched in the emotions, K? K!! Hee hee!! 💜 💜 💜
This is our bestest friendlypal MARCEL's birthdaytimes, guys!! Truestory!! We went to a 'mazing puddlepond party for him on the Sundaytimes, plus we wanna share a teaserytaste of it with you rightabouts NOW!! 😊 😊 😊
Now is the times for sharing a sooperneato little picturemovie our Mum made with her snazzynew camerabox!! You will see!! 😄 😄 😄
Hey, guys!! Did you know!!?? My shinynew friendlypal GairMaxwell found out 'bout me plus he wanted to make a whole entire article of wordybits 'bout ME!! Yup!! Best part is, he made a 'mazing picturemovie too!! You will see!! 😄 💜
Everybuddy!! I am so sooper'cited to share a shinynew picturemovie of my firstest HappyHeartMission to the 'mazing McCormick Home!! Yup!! I AM A THERAPY DOG A 'GAIN, GUYS!! 😀 💜 😀 💜 😀 💜
Hey, guys!! Have you been to FANSHAWE PIONEER VILLAGE!!?? If you said "NOPE!!" then have a looksee at this picturemovie 'cuz we are gonna show you 'round and stuff, K? K!! 😃 😃 😃
Hey, guys!! Check out this 'mazing picturemovie 'bout the 'portance of what I call REFLECTORATING. Yup!! That is when you let your brainmelon take it easybreezy plus give yourself a chance to be mindful of what you are thinkingthoughts!! Have a looksee!! 😀 💜 😀 💜 😀 💜
Check it out, everybuddy!! It is a sooper'special howdymessage from our OptimusPrimeMinister, JUSTIN TRUDEAU!! Lets give it a lookee-listen, K? K!! 😊 🇨🇦 😊 🇨🇦 😊 🇨🇦
Guys!! Guys!! Wanna see a sooperfun picturemovie of when me plus Mirabelle s'prized ReaganLetourneau for her birthdaytimes!!?? Okeedoke!! Point your lookingmarbles at THIS!! 😄 😄 😄
Now is the times for watching me, Archie Brindleton chug-chug walkings through MisterRiver, guys!! Was sooper'mazing for cooling off my undercarriage!! You will see!! 😄 😄 😄
Okeedoke, everybuddy!! Skootch in real close for watching this sooperfun picturemovie of when me plus Mirabelle went to the ELORAparts of my ONTARIOplace!! Was 'MAZING!! You will see!! 😊 💜
Check it out, everybuddy!! Me plus Mirabelle got to be inna sooper'mazing fashion show for charity!! Yup!! All kindsa peoples plus puppies came to help raise dollarpennies for the London Humane Society!! You will see!! 😊 😊 😊
Have a looksee at what Mirabelle did for her sooperspecial birthdaytimes!! Was sooperfun!!