Goodmorningtimes everybuddy!! Did you know!!?? I have big piles of picturestories to share with you from when I went onna FIRE SAFETY MISSION to... LONDON RIBFEST!! Yup!! So skootch on in for crying out Pete!! ππππππ
Archie and his Fire Safety Partner, Firefighter Jason Poole!
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All tagged Victoria Park
Goodmorningtimes everybuddy!! Did you know!!?? I have big piles of picturestories to share with you from when I went onna FIRE SAFETY MISSION to... LONDON RIBFEST!! Yup!! So skootch on in for crying out Pete!! ππππππ
WAKEYWAKEY EGGS'NBAKEY, EVERYBUDDY!! Now is the times for checking out the rest of my HOME COUNTY FOLK FESTIVAL picturestories!! Yup!! So grab some zoomersjuice plus skootch on in, K? K!! πππ
Nightynightimes, everybuddy!! Great googilymoogily what a 'MAZING daytimes, amirite!!?? For reals!! Plus HEY!! 'Fore we mosey on over to the Dreamingplace, who wants to see picturestories of ME at HOME COUNTY FOLK FESTIVAL!!?? Then skootch on in, sillies!! ππππππ
Hey, guys!! Last weekendtimes was a sooperbig festival called RIBFEST!! Yup!! It was too stinkywarm, so we did not stay for longtimes, butt we can show you 'round littlebits, K? K!! Let's go!! π π
Okeedoke, everybuddy!! Now is the times when me plus Mirabelle take you guys exploradventuring at the HOME COUNTY FESTIVAL!! Yup!! So put on your walkingsocks 'cuz there is lots'nlots to do plus see!! π π π
Check it out, everybuddy!! Right after she sang the Canadaplace singsong to open HOME COUNTY FESTIVAL, Meganschroder was inthesameplacefriends with me plus Mirabelle!! You will see!! π π
Guys!! Guys!! Me plus Mirabelle made a bunch of soopercool inthesameplacefriends plus know what!!?? They like to share HappyHeartHugs 'much as we do!! You will see!! Hπ Hπ Hπ
Elora, Ontario, Canada - Snort Index Rating 3.5 SNORTS!!
This is a sooperpretty citypark with the same name as our Victoria Park in my London, Ontarioplace, guys!! 'Cept this one is in the ELORAparts of my Ontarioplace!! You will see!! π π π