Wakeywakey, eggs'nbakey, guys!! 'Cuz it is MENTAL HEALTH WEEK, lets do talkings 'bout how to take care of our mental healthiness, K? K!! Plus we wanna hear YOUR thinkingthoughts 'bout it too!! Times to #GETLOUD, guys!! Yes!! 😊😊😊
Archie and his Fire Safety Partner, Firefighter Jason Poole!
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All tagged Mental Health Matters
Wakeywakey, eggs'nbakey, guys!! 'Cuz it is MENTAL HEALTH WEEK, lets do talkings 'bout how to take care of our mental healthiness, K? K!! Plus we wanna hear YOUR thinkingthoughts 'bout it too!! Times to #GETLOUD, guys!! Yes!! 😊😊😊
Okeedoke, everybuddy!! I can't even hardly wait to introduce you to my friendlypal MingyurRinpoche!! He is gonna 'splode your brainmelon with a 'mazing, shinynew way to make meditational thinkingthoughts work for YOU!! Plus he is sooperfun with bellychuckles too!! You will see!! 😀 💜
Hey, guys!! Check out this 'mazing picturemovie 'bout the 'portance of what I call REFLECTORATING. Yup!! That is when you let your brainmelon take it easybreezy plus give yourself a chance to be mindful of what you are thinkingthoughts!! Have a looksee!! 😀 💜 😀 💜 😀 💜