THURSDAY MORNINGTIMES (3 photos and links)
Hidey-ho, friendlypals!! 😀 😀 😀
Golly!! Sure is nice to see your faceparts and stuff!! Mirabelle says so too!!
Did you know!!?? We wishowish you guys were here to do walkingtimes with us 'cuz it has been raining wet, waterydrops, so now everythings is soopershiny, plus there are sooperbright rainbowparts (colours) everywheres!! .................
'Course me plus Mirabelle are not so into rainingdrops 'cuz we do not like getting drippydropss in our listenator earparts, butt... now that it has stopped for littlebits........ sure is beautifullish and stuff out here, don'tchathink!!?? US TOO!!
Shanksh for coming to say "GOODMORNINGTIMES!", guys!! Now is the times to mosey so we can have our breakfastimes yummysummies!! Me plus Mirabelle hope everybuddy has the bestest Thursdaytimes 'cuz we luvluvlove you guys PLUS... 'cuz it is a sooper'portant daytimes that is alla 'bout taking real good care of your HappyHeart!! Yup!!
So let's get started and stuff, K? K!!
LET'S GO-GO-GO!! 😀 😀 😀
Wednesday, September 29 is WORLD HEART DAY!!
Today's Archie Art was created by... POP!! ( *Click to embiggen, guys!! )
Have YOU made some Archie Art!!?? Then we wanna see it sooperbad!! Yes!! To have your Archie Art displayed in the ARCH GALLERY, send it to!!