Hi, friendlyfriends.
It is so soopernice for you to be here, guys. Sure is.
For me.... It is sooper'portant to do 'memberings like this, plus to share HappyHeartHugs with friendlypals saying bye-byes to their bestest puppypals, 'cuz... 'cuz anybuddy saying bye-byes will need lots of helpings to feel waymorebetter. Lots'nlots, even. It is sooper'portant for them to read caring wordybits from friendlyfriends, 'cuz that is how we start healing hearts that are full-up with hurtings. Caring, plus helping heal hurty hearts is what friendlyfriends do. So.........
Newman plus his handsome faceparts.
Me 'membering Newman with you guys.
Sooperhandsome English Bulldog gentleman, Newman Hunter was n'vented right here in my Ontarioplace, guys! Yup!! Firstofalls he lived wayfarup in the OWENSOUNDparts, butt then he went to live with his Mums in the LONDONparts!! That was good thinkingthoughts, 'cuz not only are his Mums awesometimes, butt that is where me plus Mirabelle live too, guys!! Truestory!!
I did not get to meet Newman. Not even. I wanted to sooperbad. yes. Maybe that would have happened this summertimes when it was cozywarm and stuff. Maybe. Prolly. Butt I was inthesameplacefriends with his Mums 'couple times!! Yup!! They are soopernice, you guys.
The bestest. BESTEST. Full-up with lovings for their handsome "sweet boy" plus I am a luckyduckling they are my friends.
Newman plus his TammyMum 💜
Newman plus his NicoleMum 💜
Everybuddy that knew him says Newman was full-up with personality!! Yup. He luvluvloved to put Happy in Hearts! He was the sooperfun friendlypal everybuddy wanted to hang out with, plus he had the most 'mazing-ist expressional faceparts too!! Truestory he could make you bellychuckle with a funny face on his face or maybe with his crazybananas yodelsounds!!
He knew how to have HappyFunTimes, butt mostly importantal, he made sure everybuddy else was having HappyFunTimes too!! He was that kind of guy. 😊
Newman's favoritist thing was the sunsmiles!! Oh yes!! He could do nappingtimes in the sunsmiles like you would not even bleeve!! He was for reals a "dedicated man of leisure" who would make the loudest, most happiest sleepy lumbersounds in evertimes!! Like a bag of chainsaws, even!! 😊
Butt what he luvluvloved the mostest, with all his Happy Heart, was his TammyMum. He could never get close e'nuff to his TammyMum, guys. Neverever see her faceparts e'nuff, neverever get e'nuff of her cozypile snugglings. Not even. His NicoleMum says they were like peas inna little pod... One people-sized pretty one, plus one flubbery handsome one. Allatimes they were together sharing HappyHeartHugs with each other plus anybuddy else close by.
Butt.... then he was gone, guys. Yes. It was soopersad 'cuz he had to go too fast. Too soon.
Nowthere is too much hurtings. Too much quiet.
Both his Mums can't even bleeve he is gone. Their Hearts are crumbly 'cuz there is only empty places where Newman used to be... snoring, tooting his bumtrumpet, laying in the sunsmiles, pushing them off the bigbed, doing Newman stuff.
Stuff they loved. Stuffs they couldn't wait for every single daytimes. For almost eleventy yeartimes Newman was there... smiling at them... luving them, filling their hearts with Happy. Butt now there is no more Newman. Just his Mums. Just memorings like this one.
Nightynightimes, Newman. You are a good boy.
Your Mum's miss you more than everythings.
HappyHeartHugs for you, sweet Newman. For you, plus your luving Mums too.
H 💜 H 💜 H 💜
Newman plus his TammyMum. 💜 💜 💜