TUESDAY MORNINGTIMES (photos and links)
Guys... shhhhhhhhhhh and stuff, K? K...
Me plus Mirabelle are here in the wilderwild, hanging out with The NatureMama plus looking for Steve the Deer. Yes. He is doing a 'mazing job at hiding and stuff, BUTT.... Mirabelle is thinkingthoughts she maybe just saw...... a ROBOT BEAR. Yes!! ..................
I do not think so 'cuz robot bears make waymorelots of noisiness than this. Yes. That is just science. So.... maybe it is a TROBBLIN. Hard to say. Trobblins are almostly as bad as robot bears. Almostly.
'Course it could be my buddypal Steve pulling our legparts too!! That Steve. He's such a josher!! Hee hee!! Did you know!!?? I have been playing the HIDEY-GO-SEEK GAME with Steve the Deer since the 2013times!! Yup!! He is the bestest at it!! Like a sneaky ninjaman, even!! Yes!! ..............
Wishowish you guys were here with us 'cuz know why!!?? 'Cuz this daytimes is a 'nother pretty cozywarm one!! Yup!! It is 'MAZING for the Novembertimes, don'tchathink!!?? ME TOO!! MIRABELLE TOO TOO!! So fars, anyhoozle!! BUTT... WeatherWizard says there is wet, watery rainingdrops coming, so let's look for Steve everywheres we can, then zoomers back to our foreverhome for some chewerational facercizes, K? K!! Let's do it!!
HERE WE GO-GO-GO!! π π π
Tuesday, November 8, 2016 is...
World Town Planning Day is celebrated in 30 countries on four continents each November. It is a special day to recognize and promote the role of planning in creating livable communities.
The International organization for World Town Planning Day was founded in 1949 by the late Professor Carlos Maria della Paolera of the University of Buenos Aires to advance public and professional interest in planning, both locally and abroad.
Why Celebrate World Town Planning Day?
- To draw attention to the aims, objectives, and progress of urban and regional planning around the globe.
- To highlight the valuable contributions sound planning has made to the quality of global human settlements and their environment.
- To give worldwide coverage to the ideals of urban and regional planning not only within the profession but also among the general public.
Okeedoke, friendlypals!!
Times for a 'nother sooperfun episode of... Archie Brindleton's NAME THAT PICTUREMOVIE!!
Yup!! I am gonna say some sooperfamous wordybits from a sooperfamous picturemovie, plus YOU try to guess the name of the picturemovie, K? K!! Here we go-go-go!! *AHEM*....
Did you guess!!?? Awesometimes!! If you do not know yet, check at the bottom of this page!!
Hey, guys!! Just for some HappyFunTimes here is a sooperfun picturestory from when I got to join the FANSHAWE FALCONS VOLLEYBALLING TEAM!! You will see!! π π π
If you are artsyfartsy, plus would like to make Archie Art to have put on display in the Arch Gallery, that would be the soopercoolist!!
Just send good picturestories or a copy of your Archie art or even a high res photo Pop can make into a picture painting to...
mrbrindleton@gmail.com or mail it to:
Unit 15, 467 Baker Street,
london, Ontario, Canada, N6C 1X9
Plus just so's you know: this morningtimes NAME THAT PICTUREMOVIE was...
Titanic (1997) - The line was spoken by Jack Dawson/Leonardo DiCaprio
Have a 'mazing Tuesdaytimes, everybuddy!!
See you latertimes!!
Hπ Hπ Hπ