Hi guys!! 😊💜
How is alla your parts and stuff!!?? Everybuddy doing AOK for reals!!?? Sure hope so 'cuz know why!!?? 'Cuz me plus Mirabelle have lotsa lovings in our HappyHearts just for you, PLUS we care 'bout you sooperlots!!
Just so's you know... you are our most favouritist friendlypals in all of everywheres!! Yup!! .................
Pop is starting to make our morningtimes yummysummies, butt Mirabelle is not 'cited 'cuz know why!!?? 'Cuz it is raining wet, waterydrops allover everywheres in the outsideplace. Yup.
The cozywarm degrees all went a 'way too, so it is starting to get littlebits chillybilly, guys. Seriousface. Mirabelle is bummed 'cuz that means........ THE OLDWINTERMAN IS COMING!!
IKNOW!! WeatherWizard says there is maybe even gonna be WINTERTIMES FLUFFYSTUFF in not too long, guys!! Yup!! Plus WeatherWizard also says this wintertiumes is gonna be SOOPERDOOPERWINTERTIMES with lots'nlots of fluffystuffs plus freezy icings and stuff!! ......
Oh, well. That is AOK 'cuz it will sure be pretty amirite!!?? Prolly!!
'Course Mirabelle is still gonna be pooky 'bout it. She is not a fan of the wintertimes. 'TILL WE DIGGERATE A 'ROUNDTHEBACKYARD RACINGTRACK IN THE FLUFFYSTUFF A'GAIN!!
Ha ha!! That will be sooperfun for reals!!
So... just goes to show, guys!! No matter how not so fun stuffs get, there is allatimes somethings sooperfun you can do to still have HappyFunTimes!! Yup!! That is my thinkingthoughts anyhoozle!!
Shanksh for starting your daytimes with us, guys!! Let's see what happens next, K? K!!
HERE WE GO-GO-GO!! 😊 😊 😊
Thursday, November 3, 2016 is... CULTURE DAY (JAPAN)
Culture Day (文化の日 Bunka no Hi) is a national holiday held annully in Japan on November 3 for the purpose of promoting culture, the arts, and academic endeavour. Festivities typically include art exhibitions, parades, and award ceremonies for distinguished artists and scholars.
As Culture Day exists to promote the arts and various fields of academic endeavour, local and prefectural governments typically choose this day to hold art exhibits, culture festivals, and parades.
Culture Day is statistically one of the clearest days of the year in Japan. Between 1965 and 1996, there have only been THREE years with rain occurring in Tokyo on Culture Day!
Okeedoke, friendlypals!!
Times for a 'nother sooperfun episode of... Archie Brindleton's NAME THAT PICTUREMOVIE!!
Yup!! I am gonna say some sooperfamous wordybits from a sooperfamous picturemovie, plus YOU try to guess the name of the picturemovie, K? K!! Here we go-go-go!! *AHEM*....
"Goofy bleevings plus oldentimer stabbythings
are not as awesometimes as a soopercool pew-pew zapper
at your sideparts, kid. Not even!!"
Did you guess!!?? Awesometimes!! If you do not know yet, check at the bottom of this page!!
Here is a sooperawesome BACKFLASH 'bout the times I got s'prize visit LIBBY WILKINSON at her workingplace!! Hee hee!! Her workerpals fooled her real good so she did not even know I was coming!! Truestory!! 😊 😊 😊
If you are artsyfartsy, plus would like to make Archie Art to have put on display in the Arch Gallery, that would be the soopercoolist!!
Just send good picturestories or a copy of your Archie art or even a high res photo Pop can make into a picture painting to... or mail it to:
Unit 15, 467 Baker Street,
london, Ontario, Canada, N6C 1X9
Star Wars: A New Hope (1977) - Han Solo
Rainingdrops or nope, let's everybuddy have a sooperfun Thursdaytimes, K? K!! 'Member, guys: There is only gonna be ONE daytimes like this one forever plus everever so let's make it...
H💜 H💜 H💜