Park Review #506
Snort Index Rating: 4.5 SNORTS!!
53 Marsh Street,
Ridgetown, Ontario, Canada
- Sooperpretty!!
- The wildertrail is so nice plus smooth even rollychairs can come here!! Yes!!
- Lotsa benches for buttparts!!
- lotsa memorings statues and stuff!!
- Lotsa leafytrees, plus shrubbadubs!!
- Observation deck!! That was pretty cool!!
We are on the TREES Memorial Trail, guys!!
Hi everybuddy!! ππ
This weekendtimes me plus Mirabelle are getting outna'bout to see lotsa shinynew places!! Yes!! Fact is, for this park review we had to go to a whole 'nother citytownsburg called RIDGETOWN in my Ontarioplace!! Yup!! If you did not know, Ridgetown is famous for being "The Friendliest Town in Ontario"!! Sounds pretty awesometimes, amirite!!?? Sure does!!
Anyhoozle, I heard 'bout this place from my friendlyfriend PattiFox that I got to meet at the DOGTOBERFEST puppy festival!! She was 'mazing, plus she totally gave me a whole entire list of soopercool parks near where she lives, plus this is one from her list!!
It is called the TREES Memorial Recreational Trail plus it is soopercool 'cuz for starters, being inna teensy little town like Ridgetown, there is not big piles of peoples going here!! We luvluvlove to meet shinynew friendlypals 'course, butt having the whole entire trail just to ourselfs was 'MAZING!! Yes!! Nextofalls, only the way in is close to a rollycar road, butt the rest is wayfarout in some wilderwild, so it is soopersafe plus sooperquiet and everythings!!
It starts in some woodsystuff near the rollycar road with lots'nlots of leafytrees, then goes through some wilderfields out in the open, plus the very far backparts is a sooperspecial WETLAND place with it's very own observation deck!! Yes!! We got to climb up onnit and everythings!! What I am saying is, this park has lotsa soopercool features that are differenter from each other!! I liked that and stuff!! Yup!!
My most favouritist part is this park has a 'mazing wildertrail that is made of sooperpacked dirt plus teensy pebblybits!! Guys, it is so smooth that even rollychairs can come here!! Yes!! Somebuddy inna rollychair can go through the whole entire park no problemmo!! Truestory!!
Just so's you know the TREES part of its name used to be a special group that planted lots'nlots of trees allover my Ontarioplace. Yes. Butt now they have changed their name to FORESTS ONTARIO!! Yup!! They are still alla 'bout planting trees and stuff, so that is 'mazing, butt now they teamed up with a 'nother group called ONTARIO FORESTS ASSOCIATION!! Yup!! So now both groups are one big group called FORESTS ONTARIO!! I like it!!
Anyhoozle, 'cuz it is a MEMORIAL trail here too, there is lots'nlots of memorings statures, plus wordyplaques plus benches for buttparts with wordybits on them too. It is pretty nice for reals. Check out the gallery, guys!! Get real comfy 'cuz me plus Mirabelle will take you allaways 'round the whole entire trail with lots'nlots of pretty picturestories!! You will see!!
Shanksh, park!! I like your style!! Plus nice job on your 'mazing wildertrail too!! π π